Group Retirement

Medical Practitioner

A Group RRSP is a company-sponsored plan that employers offer to all eligible employees. Each employee has their own account and chooses how to invest their funds. Your Bloom Benefits advisor will compare available programs, and ensure that fees, technology, and investment returns match your companies' goals.

In a Group Pension Program, an employee and/or employer, contributes a percentage of employee earnings up to a maximum (allowable by the Income Tax Act). These contributions are locked in to provide income at retirement. There are two types of plans offered: defined contribution and defined benefit.

A Group TFSA is a savings plan. Contributions are not tax-deductible, but the income they generate (including capital gains) is tax-free, even when withdrawn. A TSFA is often offered in conjunction with a Group RRSP plan.

A Bloom Benefits Advisor can discuss which option best suits your needs.